Here are five imp
ortant things to know before starting your own food vending business.
Are you considering starting your own food vending business? Do you want to be self-employeed, experience independence and financial security? Thousands of people across America are making a fine living and are supporting their families with their own vending business.
If you are seeking to build your own business and are willing to make a commitment to success, then no business is simpler or less expensive to establish than a vending business.
1. Find out about the laws and regulations regarding vending in your area.
There are laws and regulations regarding food vending in every city or town. You are generally required to obtain a business license and there may be restrictions as to what you can serve and where you may locate your business. Call your town hall for information. In New York City, we can advise you. Some areas will only require that carts be built with clean and sanitary construction, while others will require that equipment be built to NSF Standard. Finally, some health departments will require carts that are actually NSF listed. Whatever the case, we we can assist as we have equipment that can meet any of these standards.
2. Buy your food vending unit from a company you can trust.
There are lots of companies that sell vending units, but there is only one that invented both the all Stainless Steel Hot Dog Cart and World Famous Good Humor Ice Cream Cart. Worksman has been in business since 1898. For over a century, thousands of businesses and world famous companies have trusted 800 Buy Cart. Therefore, when you choose a Worksman / 800 Buy Cart Vending Unit you are choosing the finest quality unit.
3. Choose a vending unit built in America by master craftsmen.
800 Buy Cart Vending Units are built in our 100,00 square foot manufacturing plant in New York City. Our employees have been with us for decades and have passed on their skills and knowledge to their sons and relatives who work with us.
4. Get exactly what you want and what you need.
Often a “standard” vending unit will fit your needs. But what if you require something different? Is your vending unit manufacturer equipped to truly customize your unit? When you look through the rest of this website note how many totally different styles of vending units 800 Buy Cart has made. Some of them are truly unique. Not just in appearance, but in function. That’s why so many business people trust 800 Buy Cart to create the perfect unit for their business.
5. Make a long-term plan.
Take a little time to develop a long-term plan to grow your business next year, in five years and beyond. Planning today will lead to success tomorrow. Part of your plan should include choosing a vending unit manufacturer who will be here for you in the future!